“I think the most significant work we ever do, in the whole world, in our whole life, is done within the four walls of our own home.” – Stephen R. Covey

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Football Weekend

So it was a bad weekend to be a Red Raider or a Dallas Cowboy! Not a bad weekend to be an OSU Cowboy or a Green Bay Packer. Needless to say the two previous teams lost but anyway... we had a fun time tailgating and playing games before the actual game began!

The guys playing ladder-ball:

Chad and two of his friends Rod and Norm:

Me and the boys, somethings never change!

My sister-in-law, Aubree and I!

One of my best friends, Stacie and I!

Most of the Felderhoff Family!

Everyone have a great week! I am hosting Thanksgiving this year so I plan on posting some recipe ideas soon!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


The leaves are turning, Red Raiders are hitting their mid-season stride, the flower beds have been filled with pansies and most importantly its Halloween. We had an interesting Halloween at the neighbors. More about that another day. They say pictures are worth a thousand words need I say more.

Captain Jack Sparrow


Wreck'em Te....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Wild Hog meet Grill and Italian Seasoning

Front Flower Bed-Check